(713) 840-0415
6575 West Loop South
#225 Bellaire, TX 77401


The Premier Product for Sealing
Cement-Lined Pipe Joints to Be Welded

Expands as it sets, producing a tight joint.

Originally developed for one petroleum company to seal the inner linings of cement-lined pipes while the outer metal was being welded.  X-Pando is now the preferred product in the water and oil industries because it produces a high quality leak-proof connection.  It is easy to apply and specially formulated to be compatible with the heat requirements of welding.

X-Pando is non-toxic and certified by the Underwriters Laboratory in accordance with ANSI/NSF standard 61 for drinking water.

Suggested X-Pando Welding Procedures

the following is only a suggestion and may or may not suit your purpose

1. Preparations  You will need clean mixing cans, clean small brushes, spatula, clean water, low heat welding rods, and a plastic squeeze bottle (similar to catsup or mustard container)

2. Mix the X-Pando with clean water until it reaches a consistency of heavy paste. Mix only as you use it. If the material becomes too hard to apply freely, discard it and make a new batch. Do not mix more than you can use in one hour and do not add water to an already hard mix.

3. When the cement lining has been brought flush to the end of the pipe and fittings, wet down the edge of the cement lining with clean water. Using a brush, squeeze bottle, or spatula apply the XPando#2 to the face of the cement lining.

4. Bring the two ends together with welding clamps. Remove any excess X-Pando (dirt, oil, or grime) from the outside of the steel surface to be joined. Tac weld as required to hold the pipe in proper alignment.

5. Allow the X-Pando to dry or pre heat the area to about 250 degrees for a few minutes to remove the moisture from the X-Pando. Do not overheat or the X-Pando may become too dry and tend to pulverize. Allow to cool slightly before welding.